Highly qualified employment in companies – Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources
Project title | Highly qualified employment in companies – Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources (PME or CoLAB)
Project code | NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000068
Main objective | To finance CoLAB B2E RHAQ
Intervention region | North
Beneficiary entity | B2E Associação para a Bioeconomia Azul – Laboratório Colaborativo
Approval date | 19/08/2019
Start date | 01/02/2020
Completion date | 31/11/2023
Total eligible cost | € 960 000.00
European Union financial support | € 816 000.00
Objectives, activities and expected / achieved results
This operation aims to hire highly qualified human resources that will be the driving force of the activity of the Blue Bioeconomy Collaborative Laboratory (B2E), namely in the definition and implementation of research and technology transfer agendas that promote economic and social development in the sectors of Biotechnology and Aquaculture, contributing to the enhancement of marine natural resources. The envisaged tasks include preparing project proposals for competitive national and international financing, as well as carrying out promotional actions with investors, in order to generate financing for the functioning of B2E. The success of this initiative will be all the greater the more new and fruitful the institutional relations that are created, maximizing the integration of the B2E CoLAB in international networks. For this challenge it is essential to strengthen the direct relations that some of the associates already have with knowledge centers. The success of B2E CoLAB depends on the recruitment of human resources with different profiles, from biology and biotechnology, to management, ensuring a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach.