Global Ocean Forum Announces Strategic Plan 2024-2030
The Global Ocean Forum (GOF) has recently unveiled its Strategic Plan for the period 2024-2030, an action-oriented document designed to guide the organisation’s initiatives in alignment with major global environmental frameworks. B2E CoLAB is among the entities that are part of the Stakeholder Forum of the National Committee for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
The Strategic Plan 2024-2030 aims to reinforce efforts in ocean protection and sustainability, establishing new priorities and areas of focus. The main axes are based on the promotion of sustainable and integrated ocean governance, with the Global Ocean Forum prioritising its efforts to support key focal areas.
The plan underscores the importance of supporting the implementation of sustainable development goals related to the oceans, assisting UNFCCC Parties and other stakeholders in integrating ocean-based mitigation and adaptation actions into national and regional policies, including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
Another priority of the plan is the promotion of research and innovation for ocean sustainability, recognising the growing need for global-level diplomacy to advance in a collaborative and integrated manner, as the ocean is a holistic ecosystem requiring joint efforts on a global scale. Strengthening institutional and individual capacity for sustainable ocean management is also a focus, with an emphasis on empowering women and youth to enhance their roles in advancing the ocean and climate agenda. Additionally, the plan highlights the importance of public awareness and education regarding the significance of the oceans and the necessity of their protection.
For each focal area, the Global Ocean Forum will develop specific programmes that will include annual objectives, detailed activity timelines, and strategic partnerships. The Policy Advisory Board will continue to play a crucial role in guiding the development of these programmes, alongside the collaborators responsible for their implementation.
The organisation will also rely on the support of an extensive network of experts and partner organisations, built through previous collaborative initiatives, to assist in the formulation and promotion of programmes, as well as in the necessary fundraising. B2E – Blue Bioeconomy CoLAB is one of these entities that, along with other institutions, will present ideas and suggestions as the plan progresses, contributing to the achievement of the goals established in the strategic plan.
The Global Ocean Forum thus reaffirms its commitment to the sustainability and protection of the oceans, inviting everyone to actively participate in this global mission.