B2E projections presented at CoLABs annual meeting
B2E presented its challenges and opportunities for the next five years, highlighting the strong alignment of the European, national and regional agendas with Blue Bioeconomy, but also the need to focus on the financial sustainability and internalization of the CoLAB. The projections were made public at the 1st Annual Meeting of Collaborative Laboratories, organized by ANI and FCT, an hybrid event held in Porto and online last October 16 and 17. The event was dedicated to the progressive evolution of CoLABs and their integration in Portugal and Europe. B2E had the chance to share its perspectives and also to (re)stablish contacts with organizations and other CoLABs. “These are not simply ‘must’ attend events, these are treasured occasions for learning, networking, improving and getting invaluable feedback from all mentors and evaluators. And this is why we will always attend these meetings”, shares Elisabete Matos. The sessions were chaired by Manuel Heitor, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education.