Tânia Almeida

Innovation Management
  • Master’s in Molecular Microbiology and Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Aveiro, with a significant trajectory in research and innovation.
  • Researcher with expertise in Biology, Plant Biotechnology, and the Development of Biopolymeric Products for the cosmetics and active packaging sectors.
  • Also, brings experience in Innovation Management in a corporate context.


  • Goal-oriented, plays a crucial role in integrating and valorizing marine resources in innovation and research projects.
  • Actively involved in the development and execution of R&D projects, ensuring task execution, and participating in the preparation of specialized reports.
  • Engages in open innovation initiatives, fostering synergies between partners, collaborators, and the innovation ecosystem in the blue bioeconomy.


  • Preparation of applications for national and international.
  • R&D projects Execution of national and international R&D projects.
  • Facilitation of integration into national and international consortia, contributing to the expansion of strategic partnerships.
  • Advisory in the search for investment incentives and tax benefits Conducting technological surveillance activities.
  • Preparation of state-of-the-art studies.
  • Preparation of reports with a review of legal requirements for market entry.

Other Members

Maria Coelho

B2E CoLAB Coordinator

Ana Rita Ribeiro

Innovation and Project Manager

Marta Santos

Development and Knowledge Transfer Manager

Patrícia Gonçalves

Communication Manager

Nuno Carvalho

Financial Manager

Diana Bicho

Project Manager

Hugo Barros

Innovation Management

Joana Tomé

Innovation Management and Business Development

José Barbosa

Innovation Management

João Reis

IT Project Manager

Rute Moreira

Innovation Management

Tânia Almeida

Innovation Management

Ana Braga

Knowledge Transfer Manager

Carla Costa

Marketing and Communication Technician

Taynara Franco

Innovation Management & LCA

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